DNS Domain Suffix update script

A script to help modify/change/update the DNS Domain Suffix on a Network Adapter   On Error Resume Next strComputer = “.” arrNewDNSSuffixSearchOrder = Array(“hr.fabrikam.com”, “contoso.com”) Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:” _ & “{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\” & strComputer & “rootcimv2”) Set colNicConfigs = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ (“SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True”) For Each objNicConfig In colNicConfigs strDNSHostName

Get detailed log file for user profiles

Did you ever need to see detailed logs for a user profile?  This is especially useful when dealing with roaming profiles in a citrix enviornment. In the Run dialog box, type regedit, and then click OK Locate the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoft WindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogon Create a new entry named UserEnvDebugLevel of data type REG_DWORD with a value

TCP/UDP Ports for Windows Server and Workstation

Hey Firewall Admin–please open up the following ports for me.  🙂 Port Protocol Application protocol System service name n/a GRE GRE (IP protocol 47) Routing and Remote Access n/a ESP IPsec ESP (IP protocol 50) Routing and Remote Access n/a AH IPsec AH (IP protocol 51) Routing and Remote Access 7 TCP Echo Simple TCP/IP

How to reset GPO settings to default on Windows Server

Issue this command to reset GPO settings to their defaults (enter thisas one line): secedit /configure /db reset /cfg “c:windowssecuritytemplatessetup security.inf” /overwrite   Delete the registry.pol file if it exists (enter this as one line): del c:windowssystem32grouppolicymachineregistry.pol   Reboot the server

User logging in Windows for profile or group policy troubleshooting

This modification helps identify various logon problems including group policy processing and roaming profile issues. Very helpful but should be enabled for troubleshooting purposes only in verbose mode. Modify the following registry value: Subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon Entry: UserEnvDebugLevel Type: REG_DWORD Value data: 10002 (Hexadecimal) set this to 0x00030002 –this will give debug/verbose output: the log