Limit dynamic RPC port range on Windows Server

RPC by default can grab any dynamic port above 1024.  Security sometimes may ask you to limit that to a much narrower range.  A the minimum you should have about 100-200 ports available for RPC communication. Here is the registry setting: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Rpc Ports: REG_MULTI_SZ: 5000-5100 PortsInternetAvailable: REG_SZ: Y UseInternetPorts: REG_SZ: Y   Full MS KB

Remove ghosted network adapter from windows

The IP address you have entered for this network adapter is already assigned to another adapter… From time to time you may encounter this error on a newly P2V system. In the past it was a registry fix but now Microsoft has a prefered GUI solution: Click Start, click Run, type cmd.exe Type set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1

A quick way to verify ldap functionality over a domain trust

Assume a trust is setup between Domain Y and Domain X From the Domain Y DC issue the following command ldifde -f output.ldf -s {FQDN of DCx} -b {user account} {domain}  {password}   Connecting to “FQDN of DCx” Logging in as “user account” in domain “domain” using SSPI Exporting directory to file output.ldf Searching for entries…

Find out what ports your Windows box is listening on

One of the easiest ways to see what ports a windows system is listening on is to use netstat. To get a comprehensive list open a command prompt netstat -an Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP LISTENING TCP LISTENING TCP LISTENING TCP LISTENING TCP

DNS Domain Suffix update script

A script to help modify/change/update the DNS Domain Suffix on a Network Adapter   On Error Resume Next strComputer = “.” arrNewDNSSuffixSearchOrder = Array(“”, “”) Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:” _ & “{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\” & strComputer & “rootcimv2”) Set colNicConfigs = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ (“SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True”) For Each objNicConfig In colNicConfigs strDNSHostName

Get detailed log file for user profiles

Did you ever need to see detailed logs for a user profile?  This is especially useful when dealing with roaming profiles in a citrix enviornment. In the Run dialog box, type regedit, and then click OK Locate the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoft WindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogon Create a new entry named UserEnvDebugLevel of data type REG_DWORD with a value

Proper NTFS and share permissions for root HOME folder

When you specify \servernamesharename%username% in ADUC it is assumed that you have the correct permissions set on ‘sharename” so that the user’s home folder is properly created. Here are the values that you need to have: NTFS: Special perission on Autehenticated Users group (make sure they apply to “This Folder Only”) Traverse folderExecute file List